1. Knock on the door of the JILE, Jeju National University International for Lifelong Education building and receive a free notebook.

2. Eat the best sandwich on campus-toasted ham and cheese, only 2,000 won at the College of Humanities Building 1.

3. Sleep when you are tired. Studying all night will just make you mentally exhausted.

4. Nap at the comfortable lounge on the second floor of the Student Union building. Sorry men, this tip is for ladies only!

5. Gulp chocolate milk if you are suffering from a bad hangover. In fact, drink alcohol always in moderation.

6. Avoid buying expensive umbrellas. They will break easily and often during typhoon season. Buy the cheap ones instead.

7. Wear comfortable shoes. Jeju-NU Ara campus is just one gigantic hill, and you will spend a lot of time walking.

8. Sightsee on the roof at the front entrance’s school museum. It is the best view on campus and a cup of tea is free.

9. Stockpile yummy snacks for midterms and final exam week. You will need the extra energy, and the best snacks will sell out fast.

10. Exercise at the newly built Jeju-NU Health Club, located near the middle of campus. All students get a discount.

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