▲ Shuttle buses running at lunchtime

The school shuttle bus system causes safety problems for Jeju-NU students.

The bus drivers must abide by the traffic laws which include a limit on the amount of passengers to ride one bus. However, since a bulk of students takes the bus at the same time every day, there is a constant overflow of passengers. Due to this trend, there are many dangerous situations while the bus is in motion.

According to a regular bus Lee Jeong-In (Accounting, 3), "I saw a girl pushed to the ground while getting off because there were too many students on the bus."

In the opinion of the staff of the general affairs section which takes charge of the shuttle bus, to increase the number of bus, it takes approximately 100,000,000 won for each bus. It is hard state with the current budget on that account.

In addition, the bus drivers' careless driving skills are another factor in the ongoing safety problems. In order to keep up with the driving schedule, they occasionally drive fast. This is dangerous not only to passengers but also student walking around the campus.

Yang Woo-Suk (Physics, 2) recommends a “Complaints Report System” where students can report their complaints or discomfort to improve the current bus system.

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