Differences between Korean and English Interviews

2015-11-14     Jung Sung-Ji

Interview questions in Korea might be very personal, for example, “When will you marry?”, “What made you choose our company?” In English interviews, most questions are about an interviewee’s ability such as, “Are you really interested in this position?”, and “What did you do before applying for this job?”


In Korea, men wear black or navy suits with a white or light blue button-down shirt while women usually wear a semi-suit with a knee length skirt. Also, men have fashion rules from the way they style their hair to the color of their socks. In western countries, people tend to dress to their own tastes. Americans prefer suits, too.


Type of Interviews
There are many types of interviews in Korea. For example, one to one, five to one, three to one interviews. Various types are used for judging interviewees. People often go through interviews twice. In America, a three to one interview type is most common.