▲ A photo taken with the Kookmin University Review newspaper
▲ A photo taken with the Kookmin University Review newspaper


The Islander of Jeju National University had an exchange with the English newspaper "The Kookmin Review" of Kookmin University on June 28. Yoon Sang-Jung, the chief editor of the Kookmin Review was the first to reach out. The Islander was willing to accept the request and a meeting was successfully promoted. This interchange was meaningful because it was the first one between English Newspapers since the Corona situation. Lee Wan-Jun, the reporter of the Kookmin Review asked about The Islander’s motivation for supporting English newspapers and the process of producing materials.

The Islander commented that the events in Jeju and JNU become topics on paper, and that it strives for various ways of reporting. Alternatively, questions at this end were put forward related to the process of producing the newspaper in The Kookmin Review and their management of English newspapers. Their answers followed. Both agreed that students' interest in English newspapers was low and ways to promote English newspapers were consequently shared. Through this meeting, both parties were able to learn how to run each English newspaper in a better way. It was also an opportunity to discover the advantages of each newspaper. It is hoped that this meeting will allow more newspapers and the English newspaper of Jeju National University for more exchanges of such nature.

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