AI development has recently had a huge impact on school life. This is due to the fact that using the Chat GPT for academic purposes is becoming more and more common. For example, the Washington Post reported a case in which school coding tasks were solved using Chat GTP in the United States.

Also, the view that it is the professor's duty to present problems that AI cannot resolve has also been reported. In response, JNU students said that school tasks are more varied other than coding, like personal thinking or opinion, and that they think that doing tasks using AI programs are not enough for them to fully grasp what the professor's teaching objective really is.

On the other hand, the professors at JNU claim that they once thought it would be okay to use GPT partly for collecting data. In other words, they consider it unacceptable to utilize AI improperly, but if it is used properly, students' and even faculty's learning capacities will improve.

Opinions like this show the necessary code of ethics or guidelines that students and the faculty made about how to utilize these programes. Some universities are interested in AI and present specific guidelines for this. Kookmin University announced ten codes of ethics on March 2nd. So, JNU should also pay attention to AI for the development of students’ learning. This attention will help JNU achieve results in the field of AI.

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