Enkhbileg Munkhbat (Department of computer engineering)
Enkhbileg Munkhbat (Department of computer engineering)

How the world changes! Over the past generation, what was known as “international health” has given way to "global health". This change in terminology, while not yet universal, reflects a profound change in perspective. No longer can countries and institutions see health as a concern limited by national borders, as they often did in the past. Global health issues refer to health challenges that transcend national boundaries and affect populations worldwide. These issues have a significant impact on the well-being and quality of life of individuals and communities across the globe. Global health issues include pandemics, environmental factors, inequalities and poor healthcare access, political aspects, and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

Influenza outbreaks and COVID-19 are examples of pandemics that highlight our susceptibility to widespread infections, many of which begin in animals. Other worrisome infectious diseases worth our attention are HIV/AIDS, malaria and Ebola which have remained deadly for decades.

Enviromental factors, air pollution and climate change have a serious impact on our health. Hurricanes, floods and droughts make disease transmisson easier among large populations of people.

Although the global health sector is highly developed in some countries, many of them still have poor access to healthcare and high infant mortality rates. These are mainly in low-income nations, and income inequality around the world makes it virtually impossible for many families to afford healthcare. Also many people suffer from health problems due to poor organization of health care within and between countries.

Additionally, around 70% of all the deaths in the world are caused by noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. These can be caused by wrong lifestyle choices or external environmental factors.

Finally, we have to find the way to improve global health. Firstly by encouraging doctors to work in rural areas, as it will make health care services improve. Furthermore, implementing policies that eliminate obstacles in improving access to healthcare through health breakthroughs is much needed. This would mean increasing the amount of research and funding. In addition, education is very important. It can help people recognize and improve lifestyle variables such as poor diet, obesity, tobacco use, and alcohol use that lead to NCDs.

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