The local community is one society that is divided by geography and administrative sector. We are living on Jeju island and belong to this local community. Until a few years ago, we regarded the local community as natural and autonomous, but at present, it has shown itself to be artificial and in need of direct administration.

What is the present  situation of Jeju?

       Today, a changed Jeju island has some social problems. Jeju island뭩 local economy has worsened due to the decline in tourism and other industries last year. Also, the economic growth rate of Jeju뭩 local tourism industry has been decreasing since the mid-1990's. This is why the development of competitive tourist products is very important. There are also serious environmental problems. For example, the damage to Jeju Gotjawal (old-growth forests) is very serious. Gotjawal are special places in Jeju island.
       Gotjawal retain a lot of underground water and are very effective in keeping warmth and maintaining arable land. Furthermore, there has been a drop in competitiveness through the influence of high spring earnings combined with the absence of a coherent tourism development policy, Jeju's separation from the mainland, and high air transportation costs.
       For the first time, the residents?vote on the administrative structure of Jeju뭩 government took effect on July 27th, 2005. Voter turnout was 36.7%, the lowest rate ever, which showed that Jeju islanders were indifferent to the local communiy. 
      University students who are members of the Jeju local community were no exception. In this respect, many social problems in Jeju have presently arisen, but how many university students in Jeju know about the situation of Jeju island? At this point in time, we are groping for a solution to the Jeju island problem. University students must cooperate with people who make efforts for the development of Jeju island. We would like to examine some concerns university students have about Jeju society.
      The Islander examined these concerns by talking to 250 participating university students in Jeju.



Our Interests Can Become Opportunities

 The Islander interviewed Kim Dong Joo, the secretary of the Korean Federation for Environmental Movement in Jeju (KFEM).

 1. Why did you join the KFEM?
      I was active in the university environmental club, and was concerned about the environmental movement in my hometown, Jeju so I wanted to join the KFEM. I was usually active in environmental issues during vacation and knew people who were also active in environmental issues. When I graduated from university, I received an offer of work together. I wanted to come to Jeju island so I could join this group.

2. What is the KFEM doing?
      Activities of the Jeju branch of KFEM are varied. We are mostly active in protecting the environment and preserving nature. For example, there are campaigns against the building of golf courses and a preservation movement for Jeju Gotjawal. We examine and try to preserve various kinds of plants that existed before development in Jeju. We give publicity to Jeju뭩 special products.

3. How many university students are in the Jeju KFEM, and what are students mainly doing?
      There are a few university students. Currently, about 10 students are active participants. University students can organize their meetings and can be voluntarily active. We plan to organize a meeting with a university student as leader. If you join the KFEM, you can learn more about nature and environmental campaigns. Students must have an active zeal  for the environment in order to join.

4. What do you think about the activity of university students for society?
      I think that students need interest and effort. University students who will become the center of society in 10 years are more concerned about self-benefit, and are unconcerned with the situation of society. In view of these facts, I think that the prospects for our society are not encouraging. In  the case of Cheju National University (CNU), students are not encouraging action about the pine tree destruction problem at the entrance to CNU. CNU student's claims on the advantage of pine trees are much stronger than the claims of the KFEM. It makes my heart ache to think that the students are not concerned about these environmental problems. I think that we need to more sincerely understand volunteer service. Lastly, I think that innovative ideas of university students are more important than the TOEIC or a government official test.


Kang Min Kyeong
Graduated from the Dept. of Business  Administration at CNU

       Several things have been happening on Jeju island during the past few years. Jeju island, a center of Northeast Asia as a Free International City, is changing every year. Are university students changing along with the Jeju community?
      Recently I wondered how many students know about various matters in the Jeju community. I didn't know much about the Jeju community, either. I have done nothing but study.
      When we attracted Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to Jeju island, my friend asked me the reason why APEC would be held in Jeju island. I explained to my friend in my own way, but I didn't know the details so I was embarrassed as a Jeju islander. After that, I became concerned about the Jeju community.
     One day, I received the news through the Internet that the 밆aum?company would move to Jeju. I looked for information and details though the Internet, TV, and newspaper to find out about 밆aum.?Finally, I did an internship at the 밆aum?company. During my internship, I could feel the attraction of Jeju, and worked hard as a student from Jeju. Also I thought about how we could lead Jeju island. Interest in Jeju gave me the chance to show my ability.
      I think that we must lead the new Jeju community. Jeju island has boundless potential. We should understand our local community, so that we can get the chance to show our potential.


Yang Eun-kwang
Senior, Dept. of Business Administration at CNU

      Recently, many university students are interested in doing volunteer service and their participation is increasing. Also, the field of volunteer service is being expanded. University students can volunteer for self-enrichment and gain experience for entry into public affairs. Then, what is the true meaning of voluntary service?
      When we examined the clubs doing volunteer service in CNU, we noticed that the range of volunteer opportunities is greater than in the past. This change is the reason why the interests of many volunteers is varied. The Jeju Volunteer Interpreter Corps (JVIC) is a nonprofit organization which consists of university students. A branch of the corps was established in CNU in December 2004 and is currently active. In order to compensate for the shortage of foreign language speakers and the demands of various local communities, the Jeju Volunteer Interpreter Corps was established.
      Now with 240 students of CNU as members, the JVIC is doing voluntary service at various international conferences, international sports events, and cultural events. JVIC뭩 members take part in international exchange events by interpreting for foreigners, and by teaching Korean language to foreign students. Thus, volunteer service of university students has a great effect on the local community.
      I hope that a variety of volunteer service activities will continue to be offered by our University and local community. I think that the local community needs the people's interest.


Koh Dae-cheong
Graduated from the Dept. of Sociology at CNU

      These days, most university students live their school lives monotonously preparing for the public servant examination. The employment examination for banking circles like the agricultural cooperative could be a boon to university students. Then, What about me? Can I confidently say that I don't live my school life monotonously? Perhaps most university students would say 밳es?when asked if they live their school lives monotonously studying. This is the current state of university students.   
      If we ask this question, 밐ow did university students fall into this situation?,? the answers are varied. Some say it뭩 a problem of public education or the economy, etc. However, I think the biggest problem is our awareness. We only cluck our tongues when seeing these problems. University students have great ambition and they can use this to change society. At this point, I want to say that the social role of university students is to be members of the local community. We have to be a help to those who lead the local community.
      Then were the university students indifferent to the local community until now? No. I noticed that most of the community participants consist of university students. The streets were crowded with university students during the election period as well. They used to participate in political campaigns for candidates. I sometimes ask myself the question, 밆o students originally have a lot of interest in politics?,?because I see how quiet students are after an election season. How many other participatory activities are there in the Jeju community? Unfortunately, there is no source I can give. Many clubs are constantly active, including the volunteer service groups. However, What is their purpose?   
      There are many things we can do to participate in the local community if we are conscious of opportunities. It is not important whether it is volunteer service or not. The community is waiting for our participation in solving problems such as the issue of disabled people, human rights, public education, and the local community environment.
      I especially hope that such activities will be voluntary through university students?self-realization rather than coming through the efforts of civil or other organizations. I hope that the pure consciousness of university students reflected in their activities doesn뭪 fade. Truth will come out in history. Now, we can see the world correctly and stand against the world. I think it is time to move. University students, get a move on!




What should we do for the Jeju local community?

      For university students, studying and attending school means being a faithful member of the local community. In addition to this, what do we need to do for the Jeju local community?
      First, we need to be aware of the local issues. The future and the leadership of the Jeju community are in the hands of university students. However, we cannot be leaders if we cannot correctly understand the reality of the local community. Therefore, we should be concerned about local issues presented through various mass media outlets, and we should have opinions about these issues.
      Second, it is important that we express our opinions and concerns about local community matters. We can criticize or praise the present state of the Jeju community by writing our opinions on the homepages of city hall, the provincial government office, and other mass media outlets. It is important to give constructive criticism to the local community that can be a substantial help to the local administration.
      Third, for the local community, we can volunteer in the area of our own interests. Some university students volunteer to understand the true meaning of volunteer service. Other students volunteer to get job experience.  However, in case of the latter, one-time voluntary work is easy and doesn뭪 affect the local community. On the contrary, if we do volunteer work for its own sake, it can be of much help to the local community in the long run. Therefore, it is necessary for us to do volunteer service with a positive attitude. If students are interested in  environmental protection, they can search for organizations related to that and participate in regular activities of the organization. Also, students who are interested in foreign languages and international exchange can interpret or be guides for foreigners during international conferences or events. It can give foreigners a good image of Jeju and help students to gain experience. Thus, while students actively do volunteer service in the field in which they are interested, they get a chance to help their future. In addition, it can have a good effect on the Jeju community.
      We have to do many things for the local community. One of them is to be concerned about various community problems; vote, be concerned about questions affecting disabled people and foreign worker rights and other issues. Moreover, we can find things we can do to solve social problems and take action. 
      The local community needs the positive concern and participation of  university students. Now it is time to have concern for the local community, and as community members, we should play our part as leaders of the Jeju community.


By Coverage Team
kang Keon Ho
Youn In Kyoung
Moon Sun Young

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