Do you want to leave to study abroad too? Most of students would answer 'yes.' Keeping pace with such a way of thinking, there are many educational institutions that specialize in overseas education, and they are sprouting around us recently. Because of such phenomenon, access to studying abroad is much easier, and there is a craze for overseas language study among university students. The problem is that most students blindly think learning English is guaranteed as long as they go abroad without proper preparation. In addition, the problem also lies with parents who feel relative deprivation and sense of alienation if they are unable to send their children abroad.  There are also more students who just enjoy themselves and spend money rather than study English effectively, and this brings concerns about the waste of foreign currency.

Most institutions give reckless information and countless number of available courses to attract students. Studying and training abroad should maintain the value as a good investment, but if one leaves to study abroad by taking courses only suggested by institutions, then it is the way to waste, rather than a life investment. Is there anyone who wants to waste time and money? If you want a definite investment for your life, then first of all, you should make a definite decision about your thoughts of studying abroad. It is also a good idea to search for information and have a general consultation on studying abroad at the Studying Abroad Center at Cheju National University (CNU). Because language training and studying abroad is becoming too commercialized, the Studying Abroad Center was established two years ago to provide free and credible information to students who want to go abroad for language training or to study. The Islander met Ms. Won-hee You who is in charge of consultations at the center.


 Director Won-hee you

Q The Islander : What is the aim of this center?

Won-hee You: The aim of the Studying Abroad Center is to provide accurate and suitable information, free of charge, to students as a form of student welfare. For example, the fact that one can transfer to any university whenever one wants, can go to any university abroad, and can go if one just has the money are all very wrong and dangerous assumption. They have to know about such things correctly. Leaving is very dangerous just because they are in Jeju, which is a small island. This center corrects such reckless information and helps students to go overseas for education in a desirable way.


Q The Islander : What is the information students can get from the center?

Won-hee You: The center does not recommend language courses to students. Instead, we give accurate information about overseas education that a student considers, and if the student has wrong information, we help them to correct it. In fact, there are many students who aim to just leave Jeju island. This center gives facts about where the student stands, and he or she can get adequate information about their future at CNU and change the basic point of view. We don't give consultations about language courses, but we do give information about what is necessary for him or her to study abroad.


Q The Islander : Nowadays, everyone is leaving for language courses, We would like to hear your opinion on it?.

Won-hee You: It is very dangerous. What I want to tell those who are considering overseas education is that when looking at the long journey called life, an adventure is a must. An adventure is necessary, but I think it is better for students to research and inquire more before they venture. For example, there are many students who think they should follow their friends'example. Another example is that some students do not know anything about the country where they want to go. And there are many students who do not even know the reason why they want to go to a particular country. I think such students should not go. That becomes a waste, even though little money is spent by the student.  Therefore, students should be prepared to make sure of the purpose of studying abroad and prepare thoroughly, to make the best condition for them.


Q The Islander : How can students check whether or not they are prepared to leave?

Won-hee You: It depends on the evaluation standard. Students should go for overseas education when they feel they are sufficiently prepared. I think if students think they can deliver about 70% of their intention to a native speaker then it is good to leave. Business conversation should be possible at this stage. If you go overseas with such an  ability, you shoud have a very wide range of learning.


Q The Islander : Do you have any last advice you want to give CNU students?

Won-hee You: Students who prepare for overseas education have many dreams such as finding a job or going through master's courses. However, I have met many students who just wanted to leave CNU though overseas education. They were not able to explain about the education programs that they wanted. Such students expect us to give them information about language courses when they come to the center, but the fact is that the students should look for it themselves to have more effective results. Using the Internet to look for information is a part of studying too. I think that is preparation for life. Thus, I hope students think about why they want to study abroad, what their aim are in life, and what conditions they want before they visit the center and consult with me. Overseas education requires time and money, so a lot of preparation and effort are necessary for the investment to be fruitful. Visit the center when you have enough language ability to leave for overseas education, and we will help you as much as we can.


      Studying abroad or going through language courses is not like buying a new shirt according to your emotions. You should go for overseas education when you feel it is necessary. However, many have gotten used to the consumer culture, and institutions or someone else does what the students should do themselves.  However, that is something which someone else chose, not you. Since it is you who is going and you need it, you should determine and choose for yourself. The process of choosing the items that are suitable for you is another way of making your judgment better.

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