On Aug. 19 there were interviews for groups that had passed through document screening in 'Jeju-NU's Education Thematic World Travel', which is very popular among students every year.

'Jeju-NU's Education Thematic World Travel' has been carried out every year as a part of Global Challenge Project for strengthening international leadership capacity of Jeju-NU students.

A total of 42 teams submitted application documents from June 8 to July 29, 12 teams for the Asian area, 19 teams for the Oceanian area, 11 teams for the European-American areas.

Among them, 28 teams including 12 for the Asian area, 8 for the Oceanian area, 8 for the European-American areas passed through the document screening and then participated in the interview.

This project aims to maximize learning effects through direct experiences in many different fields such as education, culture, and industry.

The teams finally selected from this interview will each travel according to their own plan and area during this coming winter vacation.


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