▲ Kang Yun-Jung (Physics,1)

According to the Ministry of Environment, if 16 million households turn off a light, it will economize 26,0647kWh of electricity and decrease 12,3189kg of CO2 production. If not only our country but also other countries all over the world turn off a light, what will happen?


Such an event which brought huge effect was held no Mar. 31, 2012. This event called "Earth Hour" started in Sydney, Australia in 2007.


Since then people have turned off a light for one hour every last Saturday of March about from 8:30 p.m. Until 9:30 p.m. The event started for the purpose of thinking all together about Earth's critical situation.


In 2007, Sydney event, 200,000 citizens and 2,100 corporations participated. And it had a effect of offsetting the emission's of 48,000 cars during one year. In 2011 Seoul, 50,000 places participated. At that time, it saved 15802MWh of electricity and decreased 7395-tons CO2, greenhouse gases. Besides lots of countries participated, resulting in an economical and environmental effect. Lots of celebrities from all countries of the world joined this event, and every year brilliant videos concerning with this event are being.


Outside of that, there are lots of campaigns that we can practice.


One campaign, called B.M.W., is a way to keep our health by taking a bus (B), the metro (M) & walking (W). The idea is, on one day a week, to use public transportation, walk or ride a bike within easy distance, rather than driving. This campaign can protect our health and environment.


Also there is a environmental campaign concerned with smart-phones. Because the amount of illegal trash neglected on earth is over 10-tons and even at this moment the trash is overflowing, it's urgent to dispose of this huge amount. So 'let’s do it' is started to dispose the trash. This campaign, started in 2008, makes a map which describes where illegal trash is is through a picture taken by a participant. 'Clean up day' has also been appointed from March to September, for participants to gather and clean up illegal trash to clean the Earth.


If you're interested in this campaign, it doesn't take much effort to participate. It takes less interest than what we eat at lunch. You think that what we try is 'a drop in the ocean' which is an English proverb. But this isn't true. Heaven helps those who help themselves. Now we save the earth by just one action.




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