Why should we travel? Throughout the school year, many students are offered a position where they can gain training through an internship program and learn and study in another country.  What a wonderful experience that can be!  Learning about a new culture can be a rewarding experience.  Sometimes we tend to shy away and are afraid to step out of our comfort zone. 

This can be a challenge for us especially if we don’t know what to expect.  But that’s life.  We must learn to live life to its fullest. 

Life is about challenges and it is a learning experience.  How we accept those challenges and learn from them is entirely up to us. 

We can choose to learn from our past experiences and move on in life.  Try something new…..travel to a new place……be adventurous.  

The best way to learn about a country and its culture is to be a part of it.  By living in another country, you are able to observe how the people in the country live their lives daily. 

You are also able to try the foods from that country and even visit many famous places in the country.  Embrace and learn the culture.  

Familiarize yourself with information about the country and let your stay take its course.  Enjoy the opportunity of being able to be in another country.  For students who do have the opportunity to study abroad, they have an advantage through living and studying in that country. Although we may experience culture shock and tend to be homesick; this is also a part of the travel experience.

We should try to adapt to our new surroundings and overcome these unexpected feelings.  Stay positive and be confident.  Believe in yourself and you will be certain to face this and any other challenge.

My advice to students who have been given the opportunity to travel and study in another country is to grasp hold of the opportunity. 

Once you have made your decision to travel to another country, this would be your first step towards
a rewarding experience.


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